Red Panda Entertainment – Jagori (2D)


Fountain Head Solution -FAMETOONZ - Chai Ki Tapri - Animation Video - Campaign - 02
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Chai Ki Tapri is a Social campaign on four key topics: Unsafe Sex Unsafe abortion Early Marriage and child bearing Untimed pregnancy and child birth FAMETOONZ executed this project for Fountainhead Solution. Create Impactful Stories with...
Princess Mia - Super AudioPrincess Mia - Super Audio
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Young Princess Mia uses her magical powers to escape from the reality of boredom around the palace walls. Together with her imaginary friend Nandan, a young Nandan, they sneak into the tiny kingdom of...
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As part of their CSR initiative, Dell undertook a project to create an app which would serve has an online registry and communication point for the Asha and ANM workers serving different towns and...
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FAMETOONZ Team created this beautiful layout walk through for "Ex Servicemen Layout" in Kodathi, Sarjapur Create Impactful Stories with FAMETOONZ: To bring similar projects to life for your organization, contact Let's collaborate and create stories...
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Client: Jatahworx - BHIVE platform. Style: Vector Minimalistic combined with character animation. Voice Over: Film Art Music Entertainment...
VJNNS Training modules on WASHVJNNS Training modules on WASH
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VJNNS Animated Training Modules a project initiated by Visakha Jilla Nava Nirmana Samithi, also known as VJNNS. For the project, VJNNS engaged Film Art Music Entertainment Productions (FAME Productions) to create 20 VJNNS animated...


  • Client:Red Panda Entertainment
  • Categories:
  • Skills:
    • Character Animation
    • Photoshop
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