VJNNS Animated Training Modules a project initiated by Visakha Jilla Nava Nirmana Samithi, also known as VJNNS. For the project, VJNNS engaged Film Art Music Entertainment Productions (FAME Productions) to create 20 VJNNS animated training module videos. These modules were based on various topics of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). While FAME Productions took care of the scripts and Voice Overs, FAMETOONZ worked on the Character design / Backgrounds and Animation. FAMETOONZ in the past has worked for CCFC to develop animated training modules dealing with 1000 days of child growth after birth. Another project in which FAMETOONZ worked with CCFC was that of the campaign on End Child Marriage.
VJNNS Animated Training Module included the ground situation of tribal villages of Chintapalli (Visakhapatnam district) where VJNNS has installed more than 300 Gravity Fed Water Supply systems.
VJNNS Animated training module received sponsorship from Infosys Foundation led by Mrs. Sudha Murthy ji.
Topics included:
Water Cycle / Surface Water / Ground Water / GFWSS* Process / GFWSS Maintenance / Water Borne Diseases / Water-Related Diseases / Water Based Diseases / Water usage / Water Handling / Rain water harvesting system / Springs and Protection Method / Solid waste management / Liquid waste management / Safe disposal of human waste / Personal Hygiene / Hand wash Hygiene / Body Hygiene / Cattle Hygiene / Menstrual Hygiene
*GFWSS = Gravity Fed Water Supply System. More details can be fetched in the VJNNS website
Above mentioned topics speak about the abundance of water available in the form of springs in Eastern Ghats of Chintapalli District. Spring water is used to distribute water using a system called Gravity Fed Water Supply System (GFWSS) to tribal villages.
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VJNNS Animated Training Modules
20 Animated videos on WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene)
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